How to Make Moringa Tablets?

You can make moringa tablet using the below 8 steps:

1. Get fresh Moringa leaves

  • Get some fresh moringa leaves from Moringa tree near your house or from any organic farm.

2. Wash Moringa leaves with water

  • Now, wash the leaves with water to remove any dirt and dust present on the leaves.

3. Dry Moringa leaves

  • Now let leaves dry for couple of hours
  • Once the moringa leaves are dried, clean them with a dry cloth to remove any left our moisture

4. Grind the leaves

  • Grind the leaves into powder - fine powder is better for forming tablets.
  • Remove large particles in the powder

5. Let the powder dry

  • Let the moringa powder dry for some time

6. Select Binder

  • Now mix a binder in the dry powder - lactose/cellulose/sucrose
  • Binder will help in holding the tablet together

7. Disintegrator - Cellulose

  • Mix a distegrator like cellulose (which is also a binder)
  • This will help to disintegrate the Moringa tablet after it is swallowed

8. Use direct compression (Moringa tablets presser)

  • Now get help of a tablets pressor to compress the powder into tablet form
  • Direct compression method can be used for this
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