Is Moringa Good For High Blood Pressure? Dosage for BP
Yes, Moringa can be good for high blood pressure, as there are research evidences that suggest moringa has properties that help in treating high BP
In the study, one group was given daily moringa dose before their meal for a period of week and the other group was not given any dose.
After a week there was a significant improvement in the blood pressure level of the group that was treated with Moringa leaves extract
How to use Moringa for high blood pressure (Dosage)
You can either start with 500mg Moringa tablet for BP twice a day or with half spoon of moringa oleifera powder twice/day. It is important to consult with an ayurvedic doctor before starting dosage.
You can start seeing the affect in as soon as a week and you can continue the dosage for couple of months to see significant benefits in reducing high BP.
Moringa's antioxidant properties help in treating high blood pressure:
The antioxidant properties of Moringa helps in improving high blood pressure by suppressing the vascular superoxide anion (O2•- ) production.
Moringa leaves also increases the antioxidant properties of SOD and CAT
High blood pressure is also controlled by moringa by decreasing the thoraric aorta levels and plasma levels.
Another Research on Rats suggests Moringa is good in improving high blood pressure
Study showed that consistent use of moringa 30-60mg/day for a period of 3 weeks resulted in significant improvement in high BP in rats.
The test was repeated multiple other samples which supported the above conclusion.
Reference - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30668387/
Moringa leaves can be consumed in the form of moringa powder and moringa tablets for high blood pressure